Sunday, October 16, 2011

Martha Stewart

Who loves Martha Stewart?  YOU? ME!
How does anyone get to be such a superwoman?  This woman is insanely talented!

Avon will be working with Martha this upcoming holiday season.  You will see in the pages of Martha's magazine, Martha Stewart Living (MSL), ads for Avon.  Martha is all about gifts, right?  But not just any gifts, she is the pro at giving the right gift to the right person ... and Avon is on her pre-approved list!!

November -
In the upcoming MSL issue (which should be available very soon, if not already) you will find Avon's 8 page mini holiday gift guide.
On the 3rd, Avon Reps will be featured on the MSL TV Show AND the MSL Radio Show.
Visit Martha's website (click HERE) and you will get some gift giving help.

December -
Look on newsstands and/or in your mailbox for another holiday insert will be in MSL magazine.
Martha will be hosting a Twitter chat about Avon's holiday gifts.  Follow Martha on Twitter HERE.

and since you bloggers love other blogs, I wouldn't be surprised if our friend Martha had a few words to write about how awesome Avon is on her blog, found HERE.

Thanks MSL!!

1 comment:

  1. Cool that Avon and Martha are getting together! Can't wait to check this out! :) Holly Hennessy Swint
